Thursday, 29 January 2009

1000 Points Saurus Force - Redux

Right, I put the list on LO and got some great feedback, from this I have made a few changes to the list that should make it more adaptable (and cheaper)

1000 Points

Scar-Vet: GW, LA, Mirror Shield - 121
Chief: Terradon, LA, Enchanted Shield, Staff of Lost Suns - 132

18 Saurus: Full Command, Spears - 246
17 Saurus: Full Command, Spears - 234
16 Skinks: Javelins, 2 Kroxigor - 190
11 Skinks: Blowpipes - 77

Points - 1000
Models - 66
PD - 2
DD - 2

Right lets break this down into each phase of the game:
This army is more mobile than the old one. The mixed unit can march 12" and be a useful flanking unit and be a good "hammer" unit. the skirmishers are great to bait and flee with (especially with their increased Ld) and so I am a lot less plodding.
No offensive magic, not having a 100+point T2 character with no armour on the field isn't a huge worry. Priest on EoG would be nice but I think at 1000 points thats too much points. Magic defense is a worry as if I face a DE or VC army I could be severely outmatched. The Mirror shield protects one unit from MM and hopefully the TSoD (Terradon skink of doom) can shoot/drop rocks the enemy wizards to death or at least shoot/drop rocks on the unit the wizard is in just to annoy my opponent.
I now have some! The Chief with his BS5 should be hitting on 4+ (movement, multiple shots) and maybe 5+ if he wizard is alone (or skirmishers) but 3 S5 hits can do wonders to a unit of shades of a T3 lone sorceress. I wonder if that counts as poisonous but I have to get the new book. He also can drop rocks which auto hit and cause D3 S5 hits. That can take out a skirmish unit or fast cavalry in one turn! The Skinks add some poisoned shooting as well but I dont think that will be too much of a factor
Right, the Saurus units are now 18 strong (with general) and will be arranged 6x3. This means one unit can dish out 25 attacks, the other 27 (4 at S7) and have enough guys to take a few wounds and still dish out some pain (even if the whole front rank die they still get 12A at S4). The problem with spears is that they wont be able to use their shields so will only have 5+ saves. The mixed unit will have 6 S3 attacks and then 6 S6 ones. Hopefully this unit will swing round and get a flank charge, or could even do a bit of baiting itself (at Ld7 it should be alright). Scar-Vet isnt a combat monster but 4 S7 attacks sound pretty good.

I still have some decisions to make between
a) Dropping skirmisher + GW for Venom of Firefly Frog (magical + Poison)
b) Dropping skirmisher for musician/standard in Skink/Krox unit.
Dont know about these ones but I'll play a bit (maybe) and see what is better.

Now moneywise its a better list and this is why. I own 20 Saurus and 36 skinks, all from 5th ed. With this army I need to buy 1 box of new Saurus, 2 Krox, Tiqtaqtoe (same price as terradon rider but looks badass) and Chakax (cheaper than old blood but looks MUCH better). This shopping list comes to a total of £56.25 plus P+P (that includes army book) from and I think thats pretty good for a basic army.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

1000 Points Saurus Force

Right, I have done 1 (or 2) lists that have no saurus, just lots of skinks and Krox. Now I will go the other way round: a saurus heavy force with no skinks! I have 2 lists (1000 and 1500 pts) but I have decided to do them one at a time this time.

1000 Points
Scar-Vet: LA, GW, Mirror Shield - 121
Skink Chief: Terradon, Staff of Lost Suns, Enchanted Shield, LA - 132

15 Saurus: Full Command, Spears - 210
15 Saurus: Full Command, Spears - 210

15 Temple Guard: Full Command, Plaque of Dominion - 325

Points - 998
Models: 47
PD - 2
DD - 2

Right so this army looks pretty fun. Has only 3 units at M4 so I probably will be outmaneouvred and so will have to take a few charges, thats where the TG (2+AS in combat) and the Saurus (21 S4 attacks) come to the fore.
This army has no magic defense when you first look (no scroll caddy) but it can put up quite a fight. First you have the mirror shield, now prob THE most improved item (I know there aren't many) in the list. It now works on a 2+ meaning in the first turn as your enemy casts fireball, you dont try to dispel, you roll a 2+, wizard promptly dies. Thats all for 30 points! Its not one use, and it means that you can use your DD for non-magic missile attacks. Once your opponent sees that they wont attack your TG with magic at all.
The other anti-magic item in the army is the Plaque of Dominion. This item has changed completely this ed (its a banner) and causes ALL wizards within LoS and 18" of the unit to test for stupidity. This means that sometimes you dont even need to use your DD as your opponent is stupid.
The final bit of magic defense (and general harassment) is my new FSoD. The Chief now has BS5, meaning he hits on a 2+ with no modifiers. 3S5 hits should get rid of a wizard and also the terradon can drop rocks (D3 S5 hits) on a unit to cause some damage without getting in combat. He will mostly work on his own so his new higher Ld of 7 should help. The Enchanted Shield is just to keep him alive a bit from shooting, he has a 3+ save so that should be ok. He will be good against skirmishers, war machines and the like and can also march block. The new Terradons can now land in forests so that means he can hind and not get shot at too much.
The main problem with this army would be against shooting, no skink shields means TG ans Saurus taking hits until combat. This kinda sucks but I don't see where I could get 70 points (10 skirmishers) from without severely disabling the units.

Also worked out how much money I would have to spend to make this army and its only £43.50 (plus P+P) from

So there we go, onto 1500 Points.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Mobile List 1000/1500 Pts

Well this is my first idea list. This means its just a quick throw-down of what i could do. Points costs are not exact (as I dont know them) but we will see what happens.

1000 Points
Scar-Vet: Cold One, LA, Shield, Scimitar of Sun Resplendant - 162
The General. 6 S5 WS5 attacks are not to be sniffed at. Also durable with T5 and save of 1+. And mobile too!
Skink Priest: lvl 1, 2 Dispell Scrolls - 115
Basic Scrollcaddy magic defense. Just incase I come up against any VC or DE lists with wizards.
16 Skinks, 2 Krox, Full Command - 203 (guess)
16 Skinks, 2 Krox, Full Command - 203 (guess)
Backbone of army. Very mobile with might of Krox and numbers and static CR of skinks, may also cause fear but im not sure.
10 Skinks, musician - 55 (guess)
Extra points, can line up 1 rank and be a screen, or just pop into a flank and negate CR.
6 CoR, Full Command - 260
The hammer. General's unit should pump out 19 attacks (including mounts) and cause fear. Expensive, but tough.

Pros: Mobile, fear, good static CR with skinks, magic defense, hard hitting.
Cons: Skinks are cannon-fodder, Price (in money and points), lack of units that can take a charge or good round of shooting.

Now that that's done with:

1500 Points

Scar-Vet: Cold One, LA, Shield, Scimitar - 162
Same role as before
Priest: Lvl2, Ancient Steg, EoGods, Plaque of Tepok - 405 (guess)
Haha, big gribbly. With EoG and Tepok is a lvl 3 wizard on a beat that is US 10, S6,T6, 2+ Save and impact hits. Plus EoG has great powers.
16 Skinks, 2 Krox, Full Command - 203
16 Skinks, 2 Krox, Full Command - 203
16 Skinks, 2 Krox, Full Command - 203
Same role as before, but with 1 more unit for friends
12 Skinks - 60
Meatshield, pest, points sponge.
6CoR, Full Command - 260
Same Role

Pros: Mobile, EoG can protect against shooting, strong magic, Terror/Fear, Hammer units
Cons: Lack of units, Lack of anvils, Not great magic defense, Skinks easily killed.

So anyway those are my thoughts. I think this would be a fun list to play as it can realy get around the board, and the Steg should be a massie distraction as my Priest delivers thunderbolts galore. If this army gets the charge, it will rock. But this army cnt take oo many punches. EoG will be used defensively (ward save) until we get into combat then it will be used offensively (D6 S4 no AS hits to every enemy unit within 2D6") If there isnt too much shooting or magic (against OnG) then I will lower all the spells cost by 1. This should make my lvl 3 magic user pretty dominant.

Ill post these on LO and see what response I get. I'll put up more static lists next time.

New Year, New Book

So my ineptitude at painting, girlfriend's loathing of geekiness and lack of money had completely destroyed my idea of a lizardman force. But I have turned over a new (geekier) leaf and with the new Lizardman book I will have more impetus to finally get a force bigger than 180 half painted points.

So the new changes to the Lizardmen book:
Slann are cheaper but are still pretty good, if not as durable
Carnies are no large targets to Old Bloods are stil good
TG now special, ItP and Stubborn if with Slann, cheaper
Skink "cohorts" cheaper and can have Krox
Skink skirmishers more expensive
Saurus cheaper
Krox got nerfed - S6
Terradons cheaper and different
Engine of the Gods (kick ass priest upgrade)
Salamanders have changed
New "Razordons" are basically new salamanders.

So how this will affect my army choices:
Slann is still the Lord choice I want, but now it is cheaper (woop)
NEED to get a stegadon with EotG. Means you can have lvl3 caster at <2000 points!
Potential for fast moving army of skinks + Krox instead of plodding Saurus
Need TG for my Slann
Potential use of small Terradons unit
Krox units dont seem to be as good.
Magic items are generally unimpressive.

I will put up a few "Idea lists" that will be 1000 - 1500 points. I doubt if anyone has ever read this but it will give me a good few ideas to build off of.

Ill be posting imminently with my mobile cav list