Tuesday, 27 January 2009

1000 Points Saurus Force

Right, I have done 1 (or 2) lists that have no saurus, just lots of skinks and Krox. Now I will go the other way round: a saurus heavy force with no skinks! I have 2 lists (1000 and 1500 pts) but I have decided to do them one at a time this time.

1000 Points
Scar-Vet: LA, GW, Mirror Shield - 121
Skink Chief: Terradon, Staff of Lost Suns, Enchanted Shield, LA - 132

15 Saurus: Full Command, Spears - 210
15 Saurus: Full Command, Spears - 210

15 Temple Guard: Full Command, Plaque of Dominion - 325

Points - 998
Models: 47
PD - 2
DD - 2

Right so this army looks pretty fun. Has only 3 units at M4 so I probably will be outmaneouvred and so will have to take a few charges, thats where the TG (2+AS in combat) and the Saurus (21 S4 attacks) come to the fore.
This army has no magic defense when you first look (no scroll caddy) but it can put up quite a fight. First you have the mirror shield, now prob THE most improved item (I know there aren't many) in the list. It now works on a 2+ meaning in the first turn as your enemy casts fireball, you dont try to dispel, you roll a 2+, wizard promptly dies. Thats all for 30 points! Its not one use, and it means that you can use your DD for non-magic missile attacks. Once your opponent sees that they wont attack your TG with magic at all.
The other anti-magic item in the army is the Plaque of Dominion. This item has changed completely this ed (its a banner) and causes ALL wizards within LoS and 18" of the unit to test for stupidity. This means that sometimes you dont even need to use your DD as your opponent is stupid.
The final bit of magic defense (and general harassment) is my new FSoD. The Chief now has BS5, meaning he hits on a 2+ with no modifiers. 3S5 hits should get rid of a wizard and also the terradon can drop rocks (D3 S5 hits) on a unit to cause some damage without getting in combat. He will mostly work on his own so his new higher Ld of 7 should help. The Enchanted Shield is just to keep him alive a bit from shooting, he has a 3+ save so that should be ok. He will be good against skirmishers, war machines and the like and can also march block. The new Terradons can now land in forests so that means he can hind and not get shot at too much.
The main problem with this army would be against shooting, no skink shields means TG ans Saurus taking hits until combat. This kinda sucks but I don't see where I could get 70 points (10 skirmishers) from without severely disabling the units.

Also worked out how much money I would have to spend to make this army and its only £43.50 (plus P+P) from www.giftsforgeeks.org.uk

So there we go, onto 1500 Points.

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