Right Im probably about halfway through 10 skinks after a couple of hours of painting today, Ive done the skin, the crest and the equpiment I just need to touch them up and do the bases.
Ive signed up for Tale of Painters on LO. This could be interesting as I only have my mum's camera (apart from my phone) and I dont think that is linked up to the computer. I will try to do that tomorrow (hopefully when all my skinks are done).
My paint scheme looks ok so far, the only problem is that the old skink models are very closed in posture-wise, meaning it's quite hard for a shit painter like me to do much. Also the sculpt is pretty rubbish as there are just squares on the model that I have no idea what they are, so I paint them bone.
They look ok but if the bases come out how I want them too then that would make the army look pretty sweet.
Ill post up my "painting plan" for 200 points each month for Tale of Painters (first deadline is 1st May).
Wish me luck!