Sunday, 6 April 2008

Attempt 2

Here is another attempt at putting up photos, they can be seen on LO as well as photo bucket and my album is under the username "timbuk2steps".

Have painted another 5 Saurus today, hope to finishe them off tomorrow and get going on the other 22 skinks.



Here we go, my first 200 points (well 180 actually but who cares).

Im not sure if the photos will work, we will see.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Ive come to report some progress

Right, I finished painting my 10 skinks and Ive learnt something. I suck at painting. Apart from that things are going well. For the skinks I undercoated the weapons with black before going over them with bleached bone. This wasnt a good idea and Ive learnt my lesson as for the Saurus Im painting the bone straight on the white undercoat. The Saurus are going really well as Ive done 5 or 6 of them and half way through another 4/5. Im painting Blazing Orange everywhere and then doing Chaos Black scales and drybrushing with Fortress Grey. Im having such little paint on the brush it looks like Im highlighting!! If you put too much paint on you just end up painting them Fortress Grey which I have now learnt is the colour of unpainted plastic.

I tried taking some photos on my mum's camera but it has short sightedness and cant properly focus on the models and so my phine has actually become a better camera :S

The thing is that the CD to install my phone onto my laptop is in southampton so I cant upload photos. This means I have to take all my models to soton which could be risky but it has to be done. By the end of tomorrow I should have 10 Saurus and 10 skinks, which technically comes to 180 points which is enough to get by in Tale of Painters. I just hope I can keep up.

Oh and i tried basing with the lava idea but I need some sand otherwise it looks like I just painted some lines on a plain base.

Im gonna start up a Tale of Painters thread on so go check it out soon.


Wednesday, 2 April 2008

The Paints Came!!!


Right Im probably about halfway through 10 skinks after a couple of hours of painting today, Ive done the skin, the crest and the equpiment I just need to touch them up and do the bases.

Ive signed up for Tale of Painters on LO. This could be interesting as I only have my mum's camera (apart from my phone) and I dont think that is linked up to the computer. I will try to do that tomorrow (hopefully when all my skinks are done).

My paint scheme looks ok so far, the only problem is that the old skink models are very closed in posture-wise, meaning it's quite hard for a shit painter like me to do much. Also the sculpt is pretty rubbish as there are just squares on the model that I have no idea what they are, so I paint them bone.

They look ok but if the bases come out how I want them too then that would make the army look pretty sweet.

Ill post up my "painting plan" for 200 points each month for Tale of Painters (first deadline is 1st May).

Wish me luck!