Monday, 31 March 2008

1000 Points

Ok this is a 1000 point force that I can hopefully make pretty quick (if I ever get my paints).

Anyone who is reading these (all 1 of you) then please Comment and Criticise.

Scar Veteran - 139
Scimitar of Sun Resplendent
Light Armour

Skink Priest - 100
Level 1
Diadem of Power

20 Saurus - 264
Champion, Standard Bearer

15 Saurus - 180
Hand Weapons and Shields

10 Skinks - 60
Javelins and Shields

10 Skinks - 60

3 Salamander Hunting Packs - 195
9 Skink Handlers

Total - 998 Points
Models - 69 Models
PD - 3 (up to 5)
DD - 3 (up to 5)

My general idea of tactics is to put the ScarVet in the big Saurus Unit and put that in the middle of my army. On each side of that would be the other saurus unit and the salamanders. The skinks will screen and generally be a nuisance. The Skink Priest will stay back (hopefully on a hill) depending on what spell he gets (if he gets Portent of Far he will go near the battle line). If he has to use the diadem defensively most of the time then he will just hide at the back and try not to die.

Now I have just under 2 weeks until my holiday is over, should I order the Salamanders now hoping they arrive in time and I cant undercoat them? Or get them sent to my uni address? Or just accept that I cant do them before the summer (which would suck)

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